I let them fly today. I had to. There is no other way to survive at this point in my life when I have three children, two of whom are ready to go and one of whom is a freak who needs to be tracked and monitored every moment. So I let Erin and Meghan head off to the big pool, where I could watch them, and trusted that they would be okay. They had the most wonderful time, like all the other normal kids who don't have their moms hovering over them every single moment. They met other kids and played for hours, and Meghan even jumped in and let her whole head get wet. What a milestone for a child who doesn't like her ears to get wet in the shower to this day.
The downfall today was when Lizzy methodically made her way through the toddlers in the baby pool area and proceeded to hit them either on the head with her hand or with a hard, plastic toy that she hurled, with perfect aim, at each kid. I was mortified. I put her on a chair to sit, was firm in reprimanded her every time, but how in heaven's name do you discipline an eighteen-month old? I am pulling out my toddler-rearing books tonight to try to figure this one out, because this is a serious hitting problem that's emerging with her. It's not the first time she's hit, but I'm sitting there trying to make friends with these ladies, and here's my sweet, angelic child walking up to their kids and brutalizing them!
My biological clock starting to faintly tick-tock today, and it does this every time I have a great day with my kids. And even through baths and bedtime, all three of them were so delicious I was longing for a litter of them! I'm sure tomorrow will be rough and I'll be wishing for a voluntary hysterectomy simply because two in a row can't possibly happen. But oh how I would love to be pregnant again tonight.
I'm out of my mind. I know this.