Here's the fundamental problem: He wants weekends to be time where he does what he needs/wants to do with no notice. He wants to be able to just pick up and go without a care or a thought or a plan. I, on the other hand, need to have things somewhat planned. Not scheduled to a tee, not pinned down hour by bloody hour. But I need to have a general sense of what is going on and what's coming next. Because if I don't, I lose my mind, and therefore, so do the kids.
So that's what the fight was about this weekend. Him being generally dissatisfied with how imprisoned he feels and me simply wanting to have a five-minute conversation on Friday night loosely planning what's to come for the weekend. He refuses to talk, I get bent and pissy, and we get nowhere. Fast.
Here's the glitch (I've pinpointed it, which is helpful now that it's Monday and he's in Long Island and I'm here, back to the grind): He schedules his work days and tasks with great organization and rigid planning. He "doesn't feel like it" on Saturday and Sunday, because those aren't work days. Therefore, he just resists or altogether skips any conversations involving planning.
I, on the other hand, am still in the throes of my work week. All seven days, I need to know what's doing because it is up to me to keep everyone on schedule and on task when we go places, need meals, arrange outings, etc. It never ends. So if I have a slight clue about what he needs to do, I can add that to my agenda and form a plan.
No dice. He won't do it.
Am I alone? Is it my anal-retention that is bringing us here? Am I really asking for too much? Because if I am, I just want to know so that my expectations can be adjusted and we can begin to have happier times on the weekends.
I'm completely, utterly mentally exhausted by all of this today, so much so that I'm cranky and irritable, I have no patience with the kids, and I still feel that I want to beat him. Ugh. Must snap out of it. Thank God Bootcamp is tonight and I can go and beat his phantom ass with my little 2-lb. dumbbells in my hot little hands. Great frustration buster!
Labels: marriage, men vs. women
At July 27, 2009 at 4:44 PM ,
Nicole said...
i totally hear you on this one. although we are in a slightly different place since alex is away during the week. he is also of the frame of mind that he wants to take it easy, go with the flow, whatever, on the weekends. like at 8:00 am he asks the kids if we all want to go out for breakfast. i am in pj's with bed-head, and need to shower. they will not last if they don't get food we get into a pickle. i also get irritated because there is never a thought that maybe i need some time to veg, on my own. maybe he could empty the dishwasher, do laundry, take them all somewhere. but he certainly makes his down-time a priority.
i think they just don't realize that we are on the clock all the time. our job NEVER ends....we don't get to clock out. there are no weekends, really. they are just two more days to plan, and the schedule may not be quite as hectic, or it may be worse.
just some thoughts on is something about being a mommy that definitely sucks. no pay, no vacation, not nearly as much appreciation as we deserve. and only another mom can understand.
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