If you have a sensitive gag reflex, don't read this.
But I have to say this, even with all the poop I've seen, I just changed a diaper containing a poop deposit the likes of which I've never seen. It was so puzzling and confusing and I couldn't understand what I was looking at...so I took a picture of it.
I have decided not to post said picture. I think my blog will get tossed if I do.
This poop made me flip. It was Lizzy's. (Obviously, because she's the only one in a diaper.) It was totally normal except there was part that was seedy and bright neon green! I am not exaggerating. Neon green. Eeew. I was flipping out at the sight because I started giving her cow's milk on Monday upon the advice of the allergist we saw at CHOP. He scratch-tested her for a bunch of stuff and everything came up negative! Including milk. So there I am, feeling (again) like a completely insane person receiving another clean bill of health from another specialist about this child who is clearly healthy as a horse, but whom I still treat (at times, getting better) like a fragile doll.
So in an effort to trust the doctor and let go of my fear of making her sick, I came home and let her try some milk. No problem. No spitting up. No gas. No weird poops. All the stuff I had been waiting for didn't happen. But when this seedy, fluorescent nonsense emerged in her diaper this afternoon...well you can just imagine. I instantly thought it was the milk, blah blah blah. But the poop seemed too normal (other than the fluorescence of it, that is)...so I started trying to think about what else she's been eating.
Long story short...High School Musical 3 fruit snacks have neon green treats in them. (Yes, I let my 18-month-old eat fruit snacks. Go ahead and judge me.) And I am thinking that they are the nasty culprits and explanation for the freaky junk coming out of baby girl's trunk.
Ah, the mysteries of bodily function and fluid we mommies must solve. They never cease to entertain and amaze me.
At June 19, 2009 at 7:44 AM ,
Christine Campbell said...
That is YOU staring back at me in Lizzie's picture as she comes down the slide. Amazing!!!! "My" girls are too gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them.
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