All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Because I didn't have all day to explore the various facets of the Train Wreck, I was unable to put it all out there about the other side of things. I'm not going to do that now either, but I will say that while my position is anti-Kate, it is certainly NOT pro-Jon. I think they're both immature and selfish, they got married too young, were in too much of a rush to have kids...and until recently, he's been too spineless to have an opinion and NOT be led around by the nose by her. It's the perfect recipe for family implosion. Only now it's happening for the world to see. Mortifying.

My last post evoked quite a response from readers according to my Facebook status. What a great discussion! I love that people are thinking about these issues and stepping back to use the Gosselin's "how-not-to" examples as a vehicle to possibly improve upon their own character strengths and weaknesses. If you read this blog, please comment here! Let's keep the dialogue going. Don't be afraid to comment, to disagree, to get fired up. It's the way we all learn and ultimately improve our lives, regardless of the individual circumstances and experiences we may bring to the round table.

Today is a beautiful Saturday in suburban Philadelphia, and I am going to enjoy it with family and friends. Pete is going fishing tomorrow and I am genuinely excited for him. One weakness in our relationship is our respective ability to take time for ourselves as individuals. Pete loves to fish, and he never, ever does anymore. But he is actually going tomorrow with a good friend of his, and I can't wait to see him walk back through the door with a lighter step and a smile on his face. A rejuvenated Daddy is what I hope he'll be by tomorrow at dinner.

Have a wonderful weekend. And thanks for reading.


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