All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Since I have consciously become less nuts, my kids have been dreamy. This is a picture taken this past Tuesday morning and I took it for a few reasons:
1) They were all smiling at the same time! No one was crying. This fact, in and of itself, is nothing short of a miracle with all of the estrogen swirling around this house.
2) It was the first morning of the entire school year that all of us were dressed and ready to go to take Erin to school and I had not raised my voice even once.
3) It was a moment where I looked at my kids and couldn't get enough of them.

So the camera came out and the picture was snapped and I am fairly certain that it will forever be one of my favorite pictures of my girls.

Tonight, Meghan graduates from Pre-K. She is so excited to go to Kindergarten and not be in "baby school" anymore (her term, not mine), but she and I both know that this is bittersweet. She started as a baby at this preschool when she was eighteen months old and I was teaching there. And even though we were in Maryland for a school year, she has finished off her preschool years in the same halls where she started and in the same way as her idol, Erin. She has had such an amazing year and the gratitude I feel toward her teachers is immense. She has grown and changed in countless ways, and while I love seeing each of my kids grow up, I am a little sad to see this part of her life end.

So off to start another day. Thank goodness we're actually having a little spring! Finally!


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