All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ah, the summer has begun and with its inception comes the dawn of a new pool season. We have joined a new swim club this year and we went yesterday afternoon for a few hours to check it out. One of Pete's sisters and her family are also members, so my kids were psyched to have their cousins to play with and we had such a good time hanging with our sis and bro.

Lizzy discovered the baby pool for the first time, and her favorite part was either letting her legs go into spaghetti form so she could fall back under the water or just throwing herself face-first into the pool. I think I will be spending my summer hunched over like Quasimodo hoping that she doesn't drown herself.

Erin and Meghan went straight for the big pool with Pete, and they loved it! They are allowed to wear swimmies and vests in the big pool (God bless the management), which I am hoping will mean (at some point) that they will be comfortable enough to go swim in the shallows while I'm supervising the Maniac. Otherwise, it's going to be rough because no babies are allowed in the big pool at all. Unless they are completely potty trained. So there's more incentive for getting it done this summer.

We had such a great time last night. We brought all of our dinner things to the pool and grilled with Sue and Marty and it was a blast. We wound up staying until about 8:00 when the kids actually started to run out of gas. Erin and Meg ran so free from playground to ball field to ping pong table to pool, while Ms. Liz literally walked about three miles over the terrain of the club. At one point she just laid herself down in a dirt spot and looked up at the sky, hands over her belly, giggling, as if to say, "This summer thing is pretty cool."

I counted my blessings last night as I climbed into bed. I counted and kissed three precious, exhausted, sleeping little babies on the head, and climbed into bed myself. I ended my day, as I get to do every day, with my best friend and favorite person in the world, Pete. And I couldn't help thinking to myself that if this life is wrong, this life of motherhood, parenthood, marriage and partnership, with all of its ups and downs...well then I don't want to be right.


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