All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Elizabeth is back to not sleeping through the night. I am hanging on to the rapidly dashing hope that this is because of her last molar that is making its debut. But the reality is that she is probably going to be an awful sleeper for the rest of her life and that's just the way it'll be.


Guess I shouldn't have so many kids then, huh?

The weather has been beautiful this week which has been a great gift. We've been doing a lot of walking and going to parks, which has been great for all of us, but only having an effect on the big girls' ability to sleep soundly. No amount of activity seems to wear Ms. Liz out. I'm spent.

This child amazes me. She has, in the past week, begun to show an interest in using the potty. I am not kidding. But now, with this new-found talent comes a higher-order level of thinking, and subsequent booster charge to the motor in her ass. I spend all day pulling her down off of tables and counter tops. She will not play with toys, she will not watch any sort of video on TV. She just wants to climb. So I've been trying to get her to the playground as much as possible in the hopes that she'll burn some of this energy off...this is, after all, where she should climb. She gets there and picks flowers.


So I'm at a loss, and also terrified that she is showing more and more shades of her eldest sister, who decided that naps were unnecessary at the ripe age of 19 months old. Lord help me. I've got another wingding on my hands.

More coffee. Need more coffee.


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