All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Friday, July 3, 2009

What an amazing weekend so far. Yesterday was so wonderful...spent the day together as a family and the evening with friends and new neighbors. The only bad part about the day was when we went to the pool, I allowed Pete to peek into my days and he promptly said to me, "Well, you have no room to complain ever, ever again about anything!" And he's right. Being at the pool with two parents is different, and when I'm there alone, I never sit in a chair and allow the sun to deliberately freckle my face as I caught him doing several times yesterday. But I gotta day, it ain't bad. Lizzy zooms around, occasionally gets into the pool, and then looks for people to hit. And the other two frolic like gazelles from one activity to another, only coming to me for a towel to warm up or quarters for the snack bar. It occurred to me to truly feel guilty at the thought of me getting to spend my summer days like that while he's working his tail off. But such are the perks of being a stay-at-home mommy. Some days you're covered in puke. Other days, you're chillin' poolside. Either way, there are still diapers that will need changing.

Today will be another great time...we are driving up to meet my brother and his fiance to look at a potential place for their wedding that is slated to happen in early September. I can't wait to see the two of them and to have lunch at this restaurant, Rat's. My mom and I went last weekend to check it out and it has to be one of the coolest places I've ever seen. So to be with them, my mother, grandmother, and with my hubby and kids in this great place will be a blast. Then my super-duper mother has bestowed Phillies tickets upon us tonight and offered babysitting services, to boot! I think they're playing the Mets, but honestly, I could care less who they are playing. I am just thrilled to be able to go out tonight, do something so fun with Pete and be outside. The weather's been gorgeous and I have been soaking up every moment of it! And there will be fireworks!!

Life is fairly freakin' fantastic right now.


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