All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Few Things

~Bad Mommy takes picture of baby doing naughty tricks and wonders why she keeps on doing it. But seriously, how can you not take a picture of this cuteness? Yes, she's standing on my island.

~My kids are delightful lately. Yesterday was the unthinkable second day in a row of bliss, and while I have no delusions that it will last forever, they are doing a number on me. I can feel that honeymoon, newborn, heart-melting gushy loving going on with all of them and it makes me want to freeze time. I love phases like this. No matter how long they last.

~I have overhauled myself and am in Week 4 of this transformation. It's the first time in a long time that I can honestly say that I feel healthier, through and through, and can look in the mirror and be proud of my choices. I feel like I'm setting a healthy example for my daughters, and that has always been a goal of mine that's been really hard to acheive. At least in the past two years. I am considering starting a new blog space just for "me" and my fitness/nutrition endeavors...something free of both the Mama and the Drama.

~Lizzy is starting to show interest again in the potty. This thrills me for obvious reasons.

~Erin is riding a of training wheels. Dear God.

~Meghan is swimming like a fish, sticking her whole face in the water and letting her whole head get wet. Massive step.

~Pete is off tomorrow and Friday for the holiday weekend and you would think, by my excitement level, that it was a six-month sebaticle. I am just so looking forward to time together. I miss him during the week, even when he's working upstairs, so to not have to share him with The Man is righteous.

~Fingers crossed for another beautiful, blissful day in the Garden of Motherhood. And best wishes to you for the same in your Garden of ________.


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