All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To biopsy or not to biopsy?

That is the question.

The Answer? To Biopsy. Without a doubt.

I saw the surgeon Monday. He is fairly certain that the lump is part of a large mass of scar tissue from my reduction. This is great news. But he could tell that I was still scared, so he agreed that we should biopsy the area to make sure that it is, indeed, nothing.

I left feeling like a drama queen. Like the doctor gave me good news and I wouldn't listen. Like I just had to keep it going. But he told me the only way to know with 100% certainty that this is nothing is to biopsy it. So why would I settle for 90% when 100% is available for a small price: A small incision, great drugs and a day in bed with celeb gossip mags. Not too shabby, if you ask me!

One thought resonated throughout my brain bringing me to this obvious conclusion: We celebrated my grandmother's 90th birthday at my house on Sunday. She is a breast cancer survivor of twelve years. And the doctor who evaluated her breast mass said that he would have been shocked if had been malignant. And it was. But for her saying "Get rid of it," we may not have had such a celebration for our matriarch this past weekend. The irony of the timing of all of this is not lost on me.

So next Friday I will have the biopsy done. And then I can put this episode behind me, while committing to do self breast exams monthly. Without a doubt. And I expect all of you ladies who read, or men who read who also have ladies with breasts, to commit to do the same.

Fun milestones have been going on with my kids lately, and if I hadn't already gone on and on about me, I'd share them during this post. But it's all been about me lately, so the kid-bragging will have to wait for the next time! :-)


  • At April 23, 2009 at 5:39 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

    So happy that things are okay....even if there is still one more test to do to reassure you. enjoy the drugs and the day in bed. I am looking forward to my c-section for the same reason....3 uninterrupted nights of sedated sleep. pure bliss!

  • At April 26, 2009 at 11:16 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

    By the way, when my sister had her biopsy she said the conscious sedation was "awesome". so hope it all goes well.


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