All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I went to my "free" personal training session at the gym yesterday. Oh. My. God. Most people say that they are sore the day after a good workout. I certainly say it all the damn time. But I now know that there is a difference between a workout and an ex-army dude calling you "soldier" at 9:00 am on a Monday and hazing the crap out of you.

I seriously have no idea how my brother made it through boot camp for the Marines. God bless him.

This morning I am nearly crippled, and I wish I was independently wealthy so I could have that trainer on my staff full-time. I'd be whipped into shape in no time.

I thought that I would disown or sell my children yesterday, particularly Meghan who had such an attitude. Anything that I asked, she would do the opposite. All. Day. Long. And she'd do so with mean, nasty words while looking at me as if to say, "Watcha gonna do, old woman? Nothing! That's what I thought." She just sabotaged my day and made me puddle up with tears of defeat by the end, when she secretly filled a container with little, tiny, ripped up bits of paper...and then confettied them all over the carpet just as we had finished cleaning up the playroom.

God help her if she pulls that shit again today.

I even asked her if she behaved this badly at school yesterday, and do you know what she said???? She said, "No! I don't want to get in trouble at school!"

Oh. My. God.

These deliberate acts of rebellion and revolt against me are very worrisome to me. I cook, I clean, I kiss, hug and rock. I tuck in and make cookies. I pretty much do it all for these kids. Not perfectly. Far from perfectly. But I give it all I've got most days. And I know her teachers do, too, and she's with them only seven and a half hours a week. So it's more likely that I am going to get on her nerves, just like she's getting on mine. But she may have just as well been walking around giving me a high and hardy middle finger all day yesterday and the same message would have come through loud and clear:


The third born is awake and hollering, so I must start my day of mommy-hood. I'm grateful that I've started my day by venting and purging. I am supposed to go to a resist-a-ball class this morning. I am hurting. But I am going to try to go and stay on schedule and goal.

Miami...twenty-three days and counting.


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