All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thank God It's...

Thursday? Really?

It's just not right. It feels like Friday. I guess I'm already in weekend mode. Pete and I decided this morning that we are going to try line up sitters and hit the Poconos for a day-trip-date. We haven't been skiing together since a couple years before we had kids, and we've been talking about doing this forever. Saturday might just be the day. It also might be the coldest day we've had in about two years...but "Carpe Diem" and "Don't be a sissy" are what I always say.

An aside...isn't this picture so damn cute?

So we might hit the slopes. We might not. Either way, I really want to spend a few uninterrupted hours with my favorite person...and he still is. After 10 years together, he's still my favorite person.

I took Lizzy to get blood work done this morning. I have to take her back next week for the GI work because I didn't have the heart to let them take eight tubes from her today. I'm convinced she has a lactose intolerance, at very least, and possibly full-blown food allergies. So they ran her pediatric food panel today, plus regular one-year-old stuff. I just want the results...and then I'll take her for the rest of the tests. It's terrible, but I have been putting the GI panel off for quite a while because I'm scared of what the results will reveal. Still waiting for the shoe to drop I guess. She's just been so great lately, despite normal baby illnesses, etc., that I just want to keep believing that she is healthy. And I'm afraid that the blood work will tell us differently. If there is something wrong, I know that we need to know so that we can make it right, and if there's nothing wrong and the tests come back beautifully, it will be the best high in the world. I guess I'm just stuck with fear and still afraid of losing her. She's just the sweetest little package, and so delicious, and she feeds my soul. Like all of them do...but there is, admittedly, something about her spirit that grabs me and holds me and feeds me and and I don't want to think about my days without that aura being a part of them. I realize this is morbid, but it is the truth. And that is what comes to this here blog of mine.

We just got the thumbs up for Saturday. Slopes, here we come! I will undoubtedly be paralyzed by noon that day, but it will feel great to burn up my muscles and have time with my honey! Now I have to rent skis, find ski pants and organize the hell out of my kids and my house so it's easy for the moms to come in and fill in. The joys of having wonderful grandparents. Always at the ready...and my goodness do we need some time together. How often are married couples, with kids or without, supposed to getaway or get out together for date time or mini-vacations? We seem to be having a date night about once a month. And it doesn't seem like nearly enough to me. But maybe I'm just being greedy? Would love feedback...because we can tell - very easily - when we haven't had time to recharge and regroup together, and maybe it's because we don't take that time for "us" often enough? I think I need to submit and find a teenage babysitter (who drives) so that we can call on that person without feeling guilty for inconveniencing our moms. Food for thought...would love to know what other marrieds are doing when it comes to this.

Nap time's over. Peace out.


  • At January 15, 2009 at 9:55 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

    so we got a sitter last year off of craigslist. she is a 'Nova grad student and my kids love her. since we are not that close to family, it is the only way we would get out for alone time. i put an ad on and had about 12 responses within a day. also, check out anywhere that offers the Red Cross babysitting course. they sometimes give referrals. i took it in middle school and sat for 2 great families until college. Have fun skiing...take some motrin beforehand to hold off the leg cramps!!! =)


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