All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pissin' and moanin'

Happiness is...

Diarrhea, teething, food allergies, anxiety about kids' health, days off from school with nowhere to go and nothing to do, winter time, colds, coughs, and puke.

I am so crabby today. And it's not my kids' fault, which makes me feel so guilty for being so bitchy, but I am seriously ready to kill. I can tell that it's nothing more than an endorphin low and nagging selfishness, plus a twinge of Seasonal Affective Disorder. My vitamin D is low and I need sunshine! I am just locked in a place of wanting more time to myself and time away from mommy-hood. I'm sick of needing to lose weight while constantly being stared and screamed at by those 10 remaining tater tots and peanut butter and jelly sandwich crusts. I'm sick of feeling like I smell like other people's poop no matter how much I wash my hands, and knowing that it's not my hands that are holding the's just that my nostrils have been violated by parasitic stenches that will not remove themselves. It's utterly disgusting...and I never thought I'd be able to be pooped and puked and snotted and drooled on, and then just clean up and move on. Like it's normal. Because it is.

I stand here, desperate to purge my negativity via this post, eating plain yogurt and raw broccoli, while drinking water, V8 and coffee. And this is equally as disgusting as the poop-stench-stuck-in-my-nose. No wonder I'm pissed off. I made sausage and meatballs and gravy yesterday for my family to eat while watching the Eagles get the pants beaten off of them...and now we have two dozen of the yummiest rolls sitting in my kitchen, and I can't eat them because wheat sticks to my body like goddamned superglue, so I have to look at them, while hungry, and hope I can cram them down the kids' and the husband's throats before temptation gets the best of me.

Plus, I organized this book group, and I haven't finished ONE BOOK yet. Every month, I'm almost there, but never finished. WTF? Who organizes a book group with no ability to read? What's the point? We are supposed to meet next week. I didn't even get the book yet.

And now my buddy 'round the corner (you know her. It's Jaclyn.) has sick kids, and she didn't know it, but she was supposed to be my playdate-savior today. I wonder if she'd be offended if I asked her to spray her kids with Lysol, rub Purell all over them and then wrap them with Saran Wrap so we can come over.

Ugh. Must shake it off. And rally. Rally, rally, rally.


  • At January 19, 2009 at 9:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    OMG Katie I am laughing out loud in starbucks right now like a damn idiot and people are staring at me and I am giving them back the 1,000 yard stare which says "Bugger off! I am hearing from my sister right now!"


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