All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Heaven forbid "All That Mama Drama" should start to get a reputation for being "overly deep." In an effort to combat such a travesty, I will share some hilarious stuff that my kids have said and done lately:

~Erin schooled us all the other night about the tooth fairy. "There is no 'tooth fairy,'" she says. "She's actually a Tooth Witch, and she rides into your room on a gigantic toothbrush broom and eats the teeth that come out of your mouth. And then she leaves you money." Meghan begins to protest, saying, "I don't want her to eat my teeth!!!"

~Lizzy has learned how to carry her dirty diapers to the trash can and plop them in. I am so proud. She has also learned how to pluck leaves off of my jade plant and eat them. Of this, I am not so proud. She also has a baby doll named "Baby" who she picks up, hugs and pats on the back...and to whom she even gives a pretend bottle. A nurturer at 13 months of age.

~Meghan had a bad dream the other night and needed some help and coaxing to get back to sleep. We do a lot of "think of your happy place" kinds of strategies with our kids when they are having trouble settling down. So I asked her to think of her most happy, special place when she closed her eyes. She said, "I am going to the moon, with Noni (her blanket) and Mickey Mouse. And when we get there we will eat spaghetti." And then she went back to sleep.

Meatloaf is in the oven and Pete's work day is nearly done. Let the games begin. Happy weekend to all.


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