All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm back on the blogging train. That's for damn sure.

I posted yesterday and was magically transported to a place, a happy place, a place in which you find yourself after a very exploratory therapy session or a great chat with a girlfriend, the latter of which is often times much more valuable and helpful than the former. At least in my experience. Anyway, I was totally recharged and energized just by plunking away at the keys for a few minutes and hitting "Publish Post." This tells me that writing clearly fills me up in a way that nothing else does or ever will, and I think I am going to try to make it a part of my daily routine.

In other news...Elizabeth has slept 12 hours the past three nights and hasn't stopped eating all day long. I've been indulging this, wondering if perhaps she was waking up every night, screaming like she was hungry because... SHE WAS FREAKIN' HUNGRY?? Judging by the current rate in which she's shoving food down her throat and saying "Num num" every time anything edible, and anything resembling something edible, enters her line of vision, I'm inclined to think she's making up for a deficit.

I was beginning to think that Meghan is part vampire and part hermit. She doesn't want to get out of her pajamas, much less leave the house, and if she does there are only certain clothes that she has deemed wearable. She also doesn't care for the first rays of light that hit her in the morning. It's odd, but reminiscent of my brother as a child. Well, as of yesterday, she has decided that she has a new favorite outfit which is a Wall-E tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. And I'm so thrilled that she's wearing jeans, and putting them on quickly when she wakes up, that I have actually decided to make sure that these particular items of clothing are wearable every day from now until such a time that she no longer digs them. Screw it, you know? After the battles I've fought to try to get her dressed at all, I think making this concession, another laundry commitment, is totally worth it.

Additionally, Erin now has pierced ears. Holy moly, the child has pierced ears. On Christmas morning, Pete and I gave her a pair of earrings and permission to get them done. I have to figure out how to post the video. She actually got choked up. It was really awesome. Christmas week was insane would've been insane anyway because it was Christmas, but add in another stomach virus, shots for Liz, and roseola and you've got yourself one hell of a week. So Erin succumbed to the virus in the middle of the night on Dec. 26th/27th, and by 7 am was jumping rope in place asking when we were going to get the ears done. WTF? So off we went that afternoon. Me, my mom and Erin, to the mall. I was fully having a panic attack, breaking out into hot flashes, trying desperately to tell her how badly it was going to hurt and letting her know that she was more than welcome to change her mind. She picked out the piercing earrings in approximately 15 seconds (the fastest decision the child has ever made), and got down to business. She wanted to sit on my lap in the chair, so I obeyed, held my first born on my lap and braced myself for the event. I had tears rolling down my face. She sat, stoic, not knowing what was coming, not knowing that I was completely betraying her by allowing these strangers to ram metal through her earlobes. They quietly told her they were measuring her ears, and even more quietly counted, "1, 2, 3." And Erin, without a flinch, said, "Is that it? Can I have my lollipop?" I am not kidding. It was the biggest adrenaline rush ever. To know what a total, pathetic wimp I am and know that my daughter is so determined that when she knows what she wants, she will even go so far as to block out pain. This will be a skill that will serve her well as she proceeds to conquer the world.

One final note: Oprah made me feel so good about myself and my choice to be a stay-at-home mommy yesterday. I saw 4 seconds of her show, during which time she told me that choosing to be what I am is the greatest calling of all, that raising children to be good, generous humans who will live with grace is the greatest way we can give of ourselves. I'm paraphrasing, naturally. But I could have just hugged her. I was able to all of a sudden think about this job of mine in a different light, that I chose this, and it chose me. And I haven't given up my chance for a career to be here. I've made a career choice to be here. And just that realization lifted me to a new plateau. Gotta love Oprah.

P.S. Check out, Jaclyn's new site.


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