All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Well things around here are markedly improved in the past week or so. Erin has started to get through the mornings with much greater ease, and that makes life easier for the rest of us. The walking to and from school has been helpful, for both her separation and my weight-loss efforts. Then on Monday, on our way home, I thought her belt was buckled, and I inadvertently hit a bump in the sidewalk and launched her about four feet out of the stroller. Her knee bust open and she wailed for 15 minutes, until I magically found a Band-Aid in my Mary-Poppins'-carpet-bag-sized diaper bag, and put it on her knee. And just like that, the crying stopped.

Meghan is totally done with her binky. I still can't believe how painless it was. I fully expected her to be a mess for ages...but she doesn't even ask for it anymore. She's doing well in school, and was so excited for today when she would bring snack for the whole class and bring a "show and share" object that starts with the letter "C." Well, naturally, of all days, Erin doesn't have school today and is thoroughly tickled that she gets to watch Meghan go while she stays with me. So now Meghan is in total meltdown because Erin tortured her at bedtime last night by telling her that she and I are going to do "special things" together without her. I honestly want to rail her sometimes. Like it's not enough to have the afternoon together, but we also must rub it into younger sister's face and make her feel left-out. Meghan is having a fit, ranting that she can't go to school because there's absolutely nothing in the house that begins with the letter "C" and is fit for "show and share."

I think Lizzy is getting better. Benadryl is a God-send. She's cutting her two top teeth, so that's a boatload of good times. But she needs them, so we have to weather through. She is crawling all over the place now, pulling up and starting to cruise, and even starting to have a little bit of stranger anxiety. Right on time. I guess the notion of her being recovered and a "normal baby" finally sunk in on me in the past week. It is a beautiful thing.

I'm not afraid anymore. I mean, I'll always be ridiculously anxious and will watch out for her well-being at all times, like I try to do with all of my daughters. But as far as being on constant watch for the next "bad thing" to happen to her as a result of her bowel condition, it has stopped. I'm feeling a lot more relaxed and finding myself enjoying the small moments of motherhood and their childhood. It's a happy place to stand in for awhile.

Sadly, we lost Pete's uncle last week and attended his funeral yesterday. It was very sad, but there was also a lot of celebration for a life well-lived. He had a tremendous influence on his whole family and lived a very interesting life. I'm so glad that I was able to get to know him over the past 14 years...he will be missed sorely. The worst part to me is seeing my father-in-law sad. He is one of the greatest people to walk this earth, and to see him in pain over the loss of his brother saddens me so much.

So we are off to conquer the last half of the week. And Erin just emerged from her bedroom after enduring a firm talking-to by me about her words to her sister last night. She came down the stairs carrying a gigantic stuffed Candy Corn and helped Meghan pack it in her backpack for her show and share.

See? Marked improvement.


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