All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There are way too many people trying to piss me off today. And my breaking point lies with Pete's dog. I realize I am being cruel and impatient and mean and not a lover...and I do not care. On top of everything else, that dog just peed on my kitchen floor AGAIN!

He peed on my kitchen floor last night, too.

Add this to the people from whom we bought this house who are haggling with us over the $500 that we put into escrow because they couldn't figure out how to get their crap out of this house in time for closing, even though they'd been under contract for three months. They are offering us $250.

Yes, I'm serious.

I'm trying to pay bills, cancel my gym membership in Maryland (no one will call me back), set up a playdate/birthday party for Erin for tomorrow, shop, get a cake, get 400 other gifts for birthdays in the months of August and September (because people love to get busy and make babies between Thanksgiving and Christmas), clean the house, plan a family party for Sunday, get physical appointments for Erin and Meghan, and dentist appointments for all four of us. Not that I really have a hope of being able to make and keep appointments for myself. I have had a temporary filling in place for nearly two years because I can't keep appointments.

Yes, two years.

Now the dog is howling to come in the kitchen.

Meghan has been crying over the breeze blowing in the wrong direction for a week. The baby is teething, had hand, foot and mouth, a bacterial skin infection on her face and a yeast infection-diaper rash. And as far as Erin's her birthday today and she's happy and pleasant and wonderful and feeling very six. But please refer to blog post below about battles on the home front with her.

I don't sleep. I eat crap food. I don't exercise. I haven't had a pedicure in years, nor a haircut since March. Just had my color done on can't have a haircut for another six months because the freakin' highlights were so ridiculously expensive, I almost passed out at the checkout.

So is the dog peeing on the floor that big of a deal?

In a word:


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