All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wednesday morning...early, early morning

Today marks the beginning of a new era in our history, as does the day after any election. I will now say that I am elated about the victory that took place last night for Barack Obama and, in my humble opinion, for America. It says so many things about where we are as a country...but most of all it proves that this country is capable of great recovery, as we look to the future with our first African-American President of the United States. I hope and pray for his safety and that he is able to do all that he promised to pull this country out of the depths after eight years under W. And I love that people actually voted. Regardless of your political views, the 2000 election put a bad taste in so many mouths about the legitimacy of our voting process. But so many voters put the past behind them and went to the polls to make sure that it didn't happen again. I am so filled with pride and hope for a better future.

I will no longer speak of politics.

My kids made me totally crazy yesterday, and I can only hope in some sadistic way, that they are getting sick. That way there would be an explanation for the insanity and how evil the older two were. The only word I can find to accurately describe their behavior and treatment of those around them was MEAN! I have not been losing my cool as much lately, but I guess yesterday I had a lot on my mind and was stupidly anxious about the outcome of the election, and I really lost it by last night. I feel terrible about it now and hope that tomorrow and Friday are better days since both of the kids are off of school for the NJ teacher's convention. Today will be better just by virtue of Erin having school.

I also decided to go back to the world of direct selling for some part-time work, but I am not allowed to "advertise" on my own website, so you'll just have to guess...or email me and I'll let you know for which company I'm selling. I am excited about getting back to work a little bit and hopefully making things easier financially for our family. Now that Liz's medical bills are coming due and I've had gall bladder surgery, I do not anticipate that our month to month outlay will change for the better in the coming months. Hopefully me working a few nights a month will make things easier.

Pete is off on a business trip again, which is a bummer. He is happy, finally, with his job, and that makes me really happy. But I really like him...and I miss him when he's gone. Boo hoo...guess I'll go cry in my coffee.

I also must happily report that I have started South Beach Diet...again...for the fiftieth time. And I've lost four pounds. I feel exhilerated by this jump start and really hope that I can make it work this time. I say it every time. But I am so tired of having a closet filled with clothes that I cannot wear. And I can't afford to go out and buy new clothes in a bigger size, so the only choice is to diet and get back into my old clothes. Another step toward financial independence, really. Eliminate "Clothing for Kate" from the budget. I also cannot eat whatever I want anymore from a digestive standpoint, as the gall bladder surgery has really taken its toll on me. So a healthier lifestyle all around is much needed. So far, so good.

So now what do I do? It's 5:40 am, I've been up for over an hour (because he left so early). I flipped on the news when Pete woke up at 4:00 to see what happened after I passed out at the ripe hour of 9:00 last night, and once I'm up, I'm up. I've run the dishwasher, posted to the blog, checked email, facebooked. I guess I could try to do a quick workout or grab a shower. But no matter what else I do, I have a feeling it's going to be a long day. Mommy might just need a nap...


  • At November 5, 2008 at 7:44 AM , Blogger Christine Campbell said...

    This one time your Mama must respond and join in your positive comments about the election. When I was a girl, JFK broke through anti-Catholic prejudice (seems unreal now) and inspired people with his belief that we Americans were and must be the best we can be, a beacon of hope to the world. He was prevented from completing his task. But Barack Obama has a similar vision and power of communication, and he has inspired us to cast off racial prejudice and just plain vote for the man. I am grateful and so hopeful this morning. Way to go, America!


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