All That Mama Drama!

Welcome to a mommy blog that won't pull any punches, that will say what most moms won't and probably shouldn't, and gives me a forum to vent, rant, gloat and brag shamelessly. What every Mama needs...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Funny things that Meghan says and does

Meghan is a nut. She is easily one of the most hysterical kids I've ever known. The other day she explained to me where dirt comes from, and you'd be surprised to know that it all starts with cinnamon. She hypothesizes that someone took cinnamon, long ago, made it wet and let it get all "rotten and disgusting" and it turned into dirt. And that is from whence all dirt comes.

Then there's her physicality. Her favorite activity is wrestling with Pete. And I guess that's why Pete doesn't feel the need to try for a boy, because he gets his ass handed to him by our four-year-old girl on a daily basis. He so won't appreciate that reveal, but this is a place of truth. And even he has to admit this...not because he's a wimp, but because she is freakishly strong. She's the son we'll never have. And she has some serious moves. She has a mastery of leverage unlike most grown men, and she'll take you out with a sweep of the leg in a way that is both surprising and shocking. And funny.

Then she opens her mouth while wrestling, and it just gets funnier. For instance, today, she flipped over Pete's shoulder about 417 times, over and over, rapid-fire.

Pete: "Do you ever get tired?"

Meghan: "No, this is the only thing I like to do."

Pete: "The only thing?"

Meghan: "Well, sometimes I like to eat chocolate, too."


Pete: "Where's my football?"

Meghan: "I have it."

Pete: "You said I could have it."

Meghan: (sweetly) "I was lying, Daddy!"

Need I say more?

Go Phillies!



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