About Me
- Name: Kate
- Location: Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States
Come for a ride on this crazy roller coaster of motherhood with me! I am a stay at home mom now, and I used to sort through my days and nights when I was much younger by writing...so now I'm joining the bloggers of the world, sharing my life and daily stories with those who choose to read. This blog is my sacred outlet that gets me through the days and nights of being a mom to three children and a wife to one husband. Sometimes things are good, sometimes they aren't...I talk about it all. If you are easily shocked or have a sensitive gag reflex, this may not be the place for you. This house is nuts! P.S. All work contained herein is my property and protected by copyright.
Previous Posts
- I have never, in my adult life, bought shoes that ...
- FYI for my readers, whom I love
- Earrings
- Isn't this picture a riot? I had to share it. It w...
- The latest debacle in my life revolves around my u...
- What Happened to My Zen Place?
- Well things around here are markedly improved in t...
- Goings on and musings
- Baby weight sucks
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At October 21, 2008 at 12:34 PM ,
asohearn said...
Since I read your blog often, usually at the end of my day, today smack in the middle of it, I thought it's about time I offered my two cents - on Pete commenting on your sense of style, or lack therof. I love that you reveal that side of him. Who knew? I can relate to the gold shoes as well. Red shoes changed my life four years ago, in Paris no less. Keep it coming.
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